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Swiss Earth Observatory Network


News list

  • 3rd SEON progress meeting

    The third SEON progress meeting was held on 22 January at the UZH-Irchel, Zurich.

  • 2015 flight activities finished

    All flight activities in 2015 finished.

  • First flight campaign 2015

    SEON prepares for the first flight campaign 2015. The flight window is scheduled for 23 March - 2 April.

  • SEON - 2nd progress meeting

    The second SEON progress meeting was held on 16 January at the UZH-Irchel, Zurich..

  • APEX quicklooks September 2014 available

    3rd SEON APEX flight campaign 2014 successfully finished.

  • APEX quicklooks July 2014 available

    2nd SEON APEX flight campaign 2014 successfully finished.

  • SEON staff

    New staff members hired.

  • New research published

    Research results from SEON members were recently published and presented on various conferences.

  • APEX Quicklooks April 2014 available

    1st SEON APEX flight campaign 2014 successfully finished.

  • SEON - 1st Progress Meeting

    The first SEON progress meeting was held on 4 February at the UZH-Irchel, Zurich.

  • APEX products available

    First level-1 APEX products are available for all SEON test sites.

  • Third APEX flight campaign 2013

    The second APEX flight campaign is scheduled for 26 August – 27 September.

  • Second APEX flight campaign 2013

    The second APEX flight campaign is scheduled for 24 June – 28 July.

  • APEX Quicklooks May 2013 available

    1st SEON APEX flight campaign 2013 successfully finished.

  • First APEX flight campaign

    The first APEX flight campaign scheduled for mid to end of May 2013 .

  • SEON Staff

    New staff members hired.

  • SEON on Social Media

    SEON now on Social Media.

  • SEON Preparatory Meeting

    The first SEON meeting was held on 21 January in the Prime Tower, Zurich.

Weiterführende Informationen
