APEX reflectance and SIF image for the Laegeren site acquired at the 26.06 2010, 15:10 UTC. Top: top-of-canopy radiance as true color composite. Bottom: SIF map. The black arrows indicate the flight direction of flight line 1-3. The white boxes indicate the approximate position of the Laegeren flux tower.
Related publication: Damm, A., Guanter, L., Paul-Limoges, E., Van der Tol, C., Hueni, A., Buchmann, N., Eugster, W., Ammann, C. & Schaepman, M.E. (2015). Far-red sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence shows ecosystem-specific relationships to gross primary production: An assessment based on observational and modeling approaches. Remote Sensing of Environment, 166, pp. 91-105.